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Groups search result 3 for venkman (debugger OR mozilla) 
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Search Result 3
From: Marc Doornik (marcdoornik@myrealbox.com)
Subject: Re: Debug client-side JScript code efficiently
View: Complete Thread (3 articles)
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Newsgroups: microsoft.public.scripting.debugger, microsoft.public.scripting.jscript, microsoft.public.scripting.wsh, microsoft.public.vi.debugging, microsoft.public.vsnet.debugging
Date: 2003-04-27 16:16:33 PST
The best tool for DHTML/Javascript debugging is: Venkman    See 

Included in Mozilla.

name wrote:

>In the end, you don't want the debugger (any debugger)
>garbage your presentation.
>No time, nowhere
>Hell, learn javascript.
>Ms and javascript = not invented here.
>"They" like it as much as their "inabilities".
>"Jey Run" <jeyrun@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>I read the MSDN article describing only 4 options for "Debugging
>>Client-Side Scripts in Your Application."
>>a.. From Microsoft Internet Explorer
>>a.. Using the Running Documents window
>>a.. In a Script
>>a.. In Response to an Error
>>But all these options are uncomfortable for everyday extensive JScript
>>(HTML/WSH) programming!
>>The only thing I need is to make some Visual Studio project with a bogus
>>(or real) target and be able to start Debugger with the current file
>>open in the IDE. The Microsoft Script Editor does this simple job very
>>well (it is included in Microsoft Office XP installation). But the
>>Microsoft Script Editor does not support projects :(
>>How can I get the Visual Studio (InterDev and/or .NET) debug my
>>client-side JScript code by just one click (F5)???
>>Thanks in advance...

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